Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Cara membuat zFP menu di Blog

zFPmenu – Fixed-Position Custom Menu and Navigation/Share Widget, adalah widget ‘melayang’ yang bisa diisi dengan menu berisi link-link sesuai keinginan.
Di dalamnya sudah termasuk navigasi scroll to top/bottom of page (scroll ke bagian paling atas/bawah halaman web) ber-engine jQuery, dan juga tombol share Twitter dan Facebook (bila diinginkan
Berikut ini Langkah langkah tersebut :
1. Masuk ke blog anda masing-masing
2. Buka Rancangan>>Pengaturan
3. Cari kode </body>
4. Kemudia Copy Paste Code Tersebut tepat diatas </body>

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Cara Membuat Beautiful Slide Out Navigation

    Cara membuat tampilan menu seperti diatas:
  1. Login keblogger anda
  2. Masuk Rancangan, Edit Html, kemudian
1. Yang Peratama Cari kode ]]></b:skin> :
    Dan Simpan kode berikut diatasnya : 
Beautiful Slide Out Navigation
            background:#fff url(title.png) no-repeat top left;
ul#navixed {
    position: fixed;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    right: 10px;
    list-style: none;
ul#navixed li {
    width: 103px;
ul#navixed li a {
    display: block;
    margin-top: -2px;
    width: 100px;
    height: 25px;
    background-position:50% 10px;
    border:1px solid #BDDCEF;
    -moz-border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px;
    -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
    -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
    -khtml-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
    -khtml-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
    opacity: 0.7;
ul#navixed li a:hover{
ul#navixed li a span{
ul#navixed .home a{
    background-image: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgLfqX851QKGHLLlEXUkJ0j2Tr9UoO-CPFUim1ffjxnaQF44Vqf0SNmXE2pHDBbWcPDyYcGH5a4n3xiWArHmJYOUAo_PsvVJ00z-NqtBFzBHbVVMtp3gflTnGBVhJtU05Y8ahbx-6elE4I/s1600/home.png);
ul#navixed .about a      {
    background-image: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgddfvmFUx0r0r5rbpxyZJrSZ3jpz9NJzhvGK2RWptSYx0KUN6UBlj7QAYDCWgiTJcp9ugnxHmp1EKsLYoekS9UANbmXsTerS0zp4aAU4qXk6fY8I8JYxcaDx-L56_UUUTapQvyAetEpSg/s1600/id_card.png);
ul#navixed .search a      {
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ul#navixed .podcasts a      {
    background-image: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgdgQmnQMfbphTFVOOw2KqcQ4Y2DGYSfHB3BtV66-QEq4ehVs27krTteK6Lt5MX5Kgpau0L13Bprwa1co7YlkXZKfJlOm89KXSgdQNUxHse6EN0d16ez_VKhOQZsvnM9ZK25lntUw9AUhU/s1600/ipod.png);
ul#navixed .rssfeed a   {
    background-image: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiixCr27JE9qBvczL7gVR3zbUwmxAAI54rhQf1AF2-wfQg1-pP-yUXDtG49xJyZQzNMEh9GbI2RCEechBNYKRhfpEMZXcCrqIobH8RNqb8mRn2XprWIvwCtV2vYHJtM0azuc-Uix57HjpU/s1600/rss.png);
ul#navixed .photos a     {
    background-image: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhSBCmQzofYBSnbTfNWhOLvo3BL6uVxgx5Tlcjf2X_dSwSEkechlxUEPTl66zDW37-Gvx5Ggn9LUH709nLB_cBZ_RSUvx5njeMtjr3rN9jftFAu_t4SCMciF1Z6a7t8g8BnvUds6eCo_MU/s1600/camera.png);
ul#navixed .contact a    {
    background-image: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjE9Di-kUBzqBBwkwIyZJhomoFRNI5BL8uKGmpEz2t-XiGN765UFx9-WGHGsBNhAR_F_zoc7eL6ZTMMkgk5mXpxrHF_ciuVF07SiW5d3RX8n4zsH_LvrWhCRHK5AvWFbv5CIslLCLWPa0U/s1600/mail.png);

2. Cari kode </head>,,kemudian copy paste code tersebut tepat diatas kode </head> :

<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js'/>
    <script src='http://kangdadang.googlecode.com/files/jcolor.js'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
            $(function() {
                var d=300;
                $(&#39;#navixed a&#39;).each(function(){

                $(&#39;#navixed &gt; li&#39;).hover(
                function () {
                function () {

3.Cari code <body>:kemudian simpan tepat di atas kode <body>:

<ul id='navixed'>
            <li class='home'><a href='#'><span>Home</span></a></li>
            <li class='about'><a href='#'><span>About</span></a></li>
            <li class='search'><a href='#'><span>Search</span></a></li>
            <li class='photos'><a href='#'><span>Photos</span></a></li>
            <li class='rssfeed'><a href='#'><span>Rss Feed</span></a></li>
            <li class='podcasts'><a href='#'><span>Podcasts</span></a></li>
            <li class='contact'><a href='#'><span>Contact</span></a></li>
ket : silahkan ganti # dengan link anda

    Cara Membuat Link Nudging

    Link Nudging disini yang dimaksud adalah salah satu fasilitas dari jQuery yang memberikan effect pada link. Effect Link Nudging ini di kembangkan oleh David Walsh Blog,,jadi link yang terdapat pada label jika kita arah kan krusor kelink nya(kita sorot) maka dia akan bergeser ke samping,seperti gambar yang disamping ini,,,

    Untuk cara membuatnya:
    1. Silahkan login blogger, Rancangan, Edit HTMl,
    2. Cari kode </head> lalu simpan kode berikut diatas kode tadi :

    <script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/>

    Selanjutnya copy paste kode dibawah ini tepat diatas script yang diatas :

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    $(document).ready(function() {
    $(&#39;#Label1 li&#39;).hover(function() { //mouse in
    $(this).animate({ marginLeft: &#39;12px&#39; }, 400);
    }, function() { //mouse out
    $(this).animate({ marginLeft: 0 }, 400);
    </script><!-- end LinkNudging -->

    Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

    SMADAV Pro 8.5

    SmadAV is not paying local Antivirus (freeware) which is devoted to overcome local viruses or foreign widespread in Indonesia. SmadAV can run well on Platform Windows 2000, XP, or Vista.


    SmadAV designed specifically to clean ALL the virus locally. It says ALL, because SmadAV not only able to clean up existing local viruses in the database SmadAV, more than it was able to clean viruses SmadAV the latest local ones, of course, with its heuristic techniques or with the feature "a virus by user". SmadAV act like an expert system that was repairing a computer infected with a virus. We all know that an expert system is almost always able to clean your computer of all viruses.


    By using its antivirus engine which is devoted to local virus detection, virus scanning SmadAV can do with a VERY FAST and ACCURATE. Especially for the scanning speed, SmadAV can be regarded as the fastest compared Antivirus Antivirus Other (To prove you can compare your own).


    SmadAV able to clean more than 1000 registry values ​​changed by a virus that is usually local. If there is little registry value was changed by a local virus then SmadAV will detect and clean it. With this capability, it can be said that in terms of cleaning the registry, antivirus cleanest SmadAV is compared with other Antivirus


    SmadAV can be used both by beginners (Novice), intermediate (Intermediate), even proficient (Advanced) in the field of virus's. Beginners can use a simple SmadAV (3x click). Secondary users can use features such as semi-manual SmadAV "a Virus By User". Further more advanced users can use the manual features SmadAV as weapon against the virus, such as "Process Manager", "System Editor," Analyzing Log Files, and many others.

    freely used and distributed provided that: do not add to or reduce the existing files in the folder SmadAV (zip), did not modify SmadAV, not for commercial purposes or profit. However, if you are the Donors SmadAV, you may use SmadAV commercial interest or profit.

    Such programs do not pay more, SmadAV made with the hope can be used entirely by the user, but all forms of damage that may be associated with the use of outside responsibilities SmadAV programmer.

    cara membuat anti kilk kanan pada blogger

    kali ini saya akan posting tentang cara membuat anti kilk kanan pada blogger ,jadi dalam hal ini kita akan menonaktifkan fungsi klik kanan .. Langsung aja cekidot...
    langkah-langkah Sbb :

    1. login ke blogger > lalu pilih  rancangan > add gadget >HTML/ java script .
    2. kemudian copy paste script di bawah ini ke dalam HTML/java script anda
    function nrcIE(){
    if (document.all){return false;}}
    function nrcNS(e){
    if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
    return false;}}}
    if (document.layers){
    document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false");

    Autorun Virus Remover 3.0 Full Ver + Keygen

    Autorun Virus Remover merupakan sebuah tools yang bermanfaat untuk memblokir setiap autorun(autorun.inf) yang mencoba menginfeksi sistem perangkat keras seperti USB diantaranya flashdisk,Hadrdisk eksternal iPod dll.

    selain dapat melindungi perangkat keras USB,aplikasu ini juga dapat membantu anda untuk memperbaiki file system komputer yang rusak akibat seperti file.exe, txt memeprbaiki folder option yang hilang diakibatkan virus dan juga dapat mengunci flasdisk agar aman.

    Key Features
    Permanently remove autorun virus in your system and USB drives
    The common antivirus always can’t get rid of the virus completely, the virus comes back after a few seconds of removing it. Also you can’t clean the virus even formatting the hard disk or pendrive. Autorun Virus Remover use innovative technology to detect and remove autorun/autorun.inf virus in your computer or USB drive permanently. What you need to do is clicking the scan button, and waiting for virus scan complete. The autorun/autorun.inf virus will not come back again after removing.

    Prevent autorun virus infecting computer from USB drives.
    Autorun/autourn.inf virus will automatically spread through your system when you insert an infected USB flash drive into the computer.
    Autorun Virus Remover uses innovative technology to block the autorun virus. Any USB drives inserted into computer, Autorun Virus Remover will automatically scan it and remove threats.The autorun virus will not be able to infect your computer any more.

    Prevent data leak via USB storage devices
    You can set the USB port status to Read only or Readable/Writable both with Autorun Virus Remover, also you can disable usage of any USB storage devices to prevent data leaks across USB flash drives. more information

    The best solution to protect offline computer
    Other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they can not effectively protect offline computer which is not connected to the Internet. When new viruses, worms and other malicious attacks strike, traditional signatures are insufficient. Autorun Virus Remover uses advanced detection techniques, it doesn’t mainly rely on virus signature, so it can protect offline computer from autorun virus effectively without updating frequently.

    Compatible with other antiviruses
    In the vast majority of cases, installing two antivirus programs on one machine (for increased protection) is technically impossible, as the two programs will disrupt each other’s functioning. However, Autorun Virus Remover is 100% compatible with all other security products in fully testing, including Norton,Nod32,AVG,Kaspersky,etc. You can use two antiviruses to fully protect your computer now.

    No recurring payment, the license key is lifetime
    Other antivirus products should be paid for updates every year. The Autorun Virus Remover key is lifetime. You receive all future program updates free of charge.

    Support all kinds of external removable media
    * Pen drives
    * USB sticks
    * USB Flash cards
    * USB MP3 players
    * USB Audio players
    * External hard drives
    * Pocket PCs
    * Mobile phones
    * iPod’s and iPhone’s
    * Other USB mass storage enabled devices

    Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

    Cara Mendisable Keyboard di tombol tertentu

    hei para blogger mania kali ini saya memberi tips untuk mendisable fungsi keyboard di blog. Jadi ketika seorang menekan tombol keyboard di blog nya, akan ada pesan/alert kalo tombol keyboard di disable pada halaman tersebut

    Langsung aja cekekidot :
    1. Masuk (Login) ke Dashboard Blogger anda.
    2. Pilih Rancangan >> Element laman
    3. Kemudian Tambahkan Gadged/Widget, pilih HTML/JavaScript.

    4.Masukan Kode dibawah ini pada halaman HTML/JavaScript  
    5. Tulisan yang berwarna merah kamu bisa menggantikan dengan kata-kata yang kamu inginkan,,

    function keypress() {
    Maaf, Fungsi Keyboard anda Telah Di Non-aktifkan untuk Halaman Ini !!");